I Can Feel a Lump Around My Breast Implant: Causes, Concerns, and Considerations

Detecting a lump around a breast implant can be an alarming discovery for women who have undergone breast augmentation. This blog post aims to shed light on the potential causes of such lumps, what to do if you notice them, and the best course of action to address your concerns.

Understanding Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is one of the most common cosmetic surgical procedures worldwide, with hundreds of thousands of women choosing to undergo this enhancement each year. It typically involves the use of saline or silicone gel implants to increase the size of the breasts, achieve a more balanced figure, or restore breast volume lost after weight reduction or pregnancy.

While the outcome is usually aesthetically pleasing, as with any medical procedure, breast augmentations carry potential risks and complications. Detecting a lump around an implant can lead to anxiety and uncertainty, and it’s crucial to address these concerns with a healthcare professional promptly.

Common Reasons for Lumps Around Breast Implants

There are several reasons why a woman might notice a lump around her breast implant. Some of the most common include:

1. Capsular Contracture

Capsular contracture occurs when the scar tissue, or ‘capsule,’ that forms around the implant tightens and squeezes the implant. This can cause the breast to feel firm and painful and may lead to the appearance of a lump, unevenness, or distortion of the breast shape.

2. Implant Rippling

Implant rippling refers to the visible and palpable rippling or wrinkling of an implant through the skin. This occurs when the implant is not completely covered by the breast tissue, leading to the sensation of a lump under the skin.

3. Cyst Formation

Cysts are fluid-filled sacs that can form around the implant, which might be felt as a lump during a self-examination. Cysts are generally benign, but they should be evaluated by a healthcare professional to rule out any potential issues.

4. Breast Implant Rupture

A breast implant rupture can occur in either a saline or silicone implant. If a saline implant ruptures, it will typically deflate quickly, while a silicone implant rupture might result in the sensation of a lump, changes in breast shape, or discomfort.

When to Worry and Seek Medical Help

Not all lumps around implants are causes for immediate concern, but some definitely should be.

1. Sudden Onset of Lump or Pain

If you experience a sudden onset of a lump or pain in the breast, it’s important to seek medical help immediately. This could be a sign of a complication such as implant rupture or infection that requires prompt attention.

2. Changes in the Breast

Any significant change in the appearance and feel of your breast, such as asymmetry or the development of new lumps, should be evaluated by a doctor.

3. Lumps That Persist or Grow

While some lumps might be benign and resolve on their own, any lump that does not go away or grows in size over time needs to be examined.

4. Redness or Warmth

The presence of redness or warmth in the area of the lump could be indicative of an underlying infection that requires medical management.

Steps to Take When You Find a Lump

If you detect a lump around your breast implant, there are several steps you should follow:

1. Perform a Self-Exam

Conduct a thorough self-examination to identify the characteristics of the lump, including its size, shape, and whether it’s mobile or attached to the skin or chest wall.

2. Schedule an Appointment With Your Surgeon

Contact your breast augmentation surgeon to schedule an appointment. They are familiar with your medical history and the specifics of your procedure and will be well-equipped to evaluate the cause of the lump.

3. Follow Your Surgeon’s Instructions

Your surgeon may recommend additional diagnostic tests, such as an ultrasound or MRI, to assess the lump and its impact on the implant.

4. Consider Breast Implant Revision Surgery

In cases where the lump is due to a complication such as capsular contracture or implant rupture, your surgeon may recommend revision surgery to correct the issue.

Long-Term Maintenance and Considerations

To minimize the risk of complications, women with breast implants should have breast implant health check-ups. Implant Health are a specialist breast implant clinic that can check your implants.

Final Thoughts: Taking Action for Peace of Mind

Any changes in your body, including the sensation of a lump around a breast implant, can be distressing. Trust your instincts and take action to address the issue. Whether the lump is benign or symptomatic of a more significant complication, prompt evaluation and care will provide peace of mind and guide you toward the best course of action.

Breast implants should enhance your confidence and well-being, and with the right monitoring and care, most women can enjoy their benefits for years. If you’re ever in doubt about a new sensation or change in your breast tissue, reaching out to your healthcare provider is always the prudent choice. Remember, your health is your most precious asset — treat it with the attention and respect it deserves.


What problems can breast implants cause?

Breast implants, while a popular cosmetic enhancement option, are not without their potential complications and risks. While many individuals undergo breast augmentation successfully, it is crucial to be aware of the potential problems associated with these procedures.

One primary concern is the risk of complications during and after surgery. Surgical procedures always carry inherent risks such as infection, bleeding, and adverse reactions to anesthesia. Additionally, breast implant surgery may result in complications specific to the implants themselves. One common issue is the development of capsular contracture, where the scar tissue around the implant tightens, causing the breast to feel firm and potentially causing discomfort.

Leakage or rupture of implants is another concern. Modern implants are designed to be durable, but they can still rupture or leak over time. If a saline implant ruptures, the saline solution is harmlessly absorbed by the body. However, if a silicone implant leaks, it may stay within the implant pocket or spread to other areas, potentially causing health issues.

Breast implants are not permanent devices, and they may require additional surgeries over the years. Complications such as implant displacement, asymmetry, or changes in breast shape may necessitate revision surgery. Furthermore, over time, implants may naturally age, leading to issues like wrinkling or changes in breast appearance.

In some cases, individuals may experience systemic health issues related to breast implants. Certain studies have suggested potential links between silicone implants and autoimmune disorders, though the evidence remains inconclusive. Regular monitoring and communication with healthcare professionals are essential to identify and address any emerging health concerns.

Psychological factors should not be overlooked. Some individuals may experience dissatisfaction with the cosmetic results, leading to psychological distress. Additionally, societal pressures and unrealistic expectations can contribute to mental health issues post-surgery.

In conclusion, while breast implants can enhance physical appearance and boost self-confidence, they are not without risks and potential problems. Prospective candidates should thoroughly research and weigh the benefits against the potential complications, maintaining open communication with their healthcare providers throughout the entire process to minimise risks and address concerns promptly.

If you’re worried about your breast implants, why not book a scan with us at Implant Health?

Implant Health gives patients access to personalised breast health screenings, with only the very best surgeons, and radiologists to ensure the highest standards of excellence.

Currently, the service is available at OneWelbeck Medical Centre in London. The scans start at £450 and are open to anybody who has breast implants.

Understanding more about Breast Implant Illness and its causes

In recent years, an increasing number of women have been sharing their experiences with a health condition that has stirred controversy and raised concerns within the medical community – Breast Implant Illness (BII). This elusive and often misunderstood condition has left many searching for answers and questioning the safety of breast implants.

Breast Implant Illness refers to a range of symptoms that some women with breast implants report experiencing. These symptoms can vary widely and may include fatigue, joint pain, cognitive issues, and autoimmune-like symptoms. The challenge in identifying BII lies in the fact that these symptoms are often nonspecific and can be attributed to various other health conditions, making diagnosis elusive.

The controversy surrounding BII has led to increased awareness and a growing movement of women advocating for their health. Many of these women have chosen to share their stories on social media platforms, creating a supportive community where individuals can find solace and information. However, the lack of scientific consensus on the existence and causation of BII has left the medical community grappling with how to address and validate these concerns.

Research on breast implant safety has intensified, with some studies suggesting a possible association between implants and certain health issues. Some speculate that the body’s immune response to the foreign material in implants may trigger inflammation and autoimmune responses, leading to the reported symptoms. However, the scientific community emphasizes the need for more rigorous and comprehensive studies to establish a clear link.

As women continue to navigate the complexities of breast implant choices, it is crucial for them to be well-informed and consult with healthcare professionals. Open communication between patients and their doctors is key to understanding the potential risks and benefits associated with breast implants. Regular health check-ups and monitoring can help in early detection of any issues and ensure timely intervention if necessary.

In conclusion, Breast Implant Illness is a term that has emerged from the collective experiences of women who report a range of symptoms after undergoing breast augmentation. While the scientific community works to unravel the mysteries surrounding Breast implant illness, it is essential for women considering or currently with breast implants to stay informed, engage in open conversations with their healthcare providers, and prioritise their overall health and well-being. The journey to understanding Breast Implant Illness is ongoing, and collaborative efforts are needed to bridge the gap between patient experiences and scientific validation.

Implant Health gives patients access to personalised breast implant health screenings, with only the very best surgeons, and radiologists to ensure the highest standards of excellence.

Currently, the service is available at OneWelbeck Medical Centre in London. The scans start at £450 and are open to anybody who has breast implants.


I’m worried about my breast implants- what can I do?

If you find yourself worrying about your breast implants, it’s essential to address your concerns promptly and seek professional advice. While breast augmentation is a common and generally safe procedure, various factors can contribute to anxiety or discomfort post-surgery.

Firstly, it’s crucial to differentiate between normal postoperative concerns and potential complications. Swelling, bruising, and mild discomfort are typical in the initial stages of recovery. However, persistent pain, changes in breast shape or size, redness, or unusual sensations should raise concern.

The first step is to contact your plastic surgeon. They are your primary resource for information and guidance. Schedule a consultation to discuss your worries, and don’t hesitate to ask questions. Express your concerns openly, providing as much detail as possible about your symptoms and any changes you’ve noticed. Your surgeon may conduct a physical examination, order imaging tests, or recommend further diagnostics to identify any potential issues.

If you are experiencing anxiety about the appearance of your breasts or are dissatisfied with the results, it’s essential to communicate this to your surgeon. They can help you understand whether the concerns are within the normal range of variation during the healing process or if they require intervention.

In some cases, breast implant issues may necessitate revision surgery. This could involve replacing implants, adjusting their position, or addressing complications such as rupture or leakage. If revision surgery is recommended, your surgeon will discuss the potential risks and benefits, allowing you to make an informed decision.

Seeking a second opinion is also a valid option. Consult another experienced and board-certified plastic surgeon to gather additional perspectives on your situation. This can provide reassurance or offer alternative solutions, helping you make informed decisions about your health and well-being.

Remember that your emotional well-being is an integral part of the healing process. If worries persist, consider reaching out to a mental health professional who can provide support and guidance as you navigate your concerns about breast implants. Open communication with both your healthcare providers and a mental health professional will contribute to a holistic approach to address your worries and find the most suitable solution for your situation.

If you’re worried about your breast implants, why not book a scan with us at Implant Health?

Implant Health gives patients access to personalised breast implant health screenings, with only the very best surgeons, and radiologists to ensure the highest standards of excellence.

Currently, the service is available at OneWelbeck Medical Centre in London. The scans start at £450 and are open to anybody who has breast implants.


What can a health check of my breast implants do?

A breast implant check is a crucial medical examination designed to assess the integrity, functionality, and overall well-being of breast implants. This comprehensive evaluation is typically recommended for individuals who have previously undergone breast augmentation surgery. The primary purpose of a breast implant check is to ensure that the implants are in good condition and that there are no signs of complications or abnormalities.

During a breast implant check, a qualified healthcare professional, often a plastic surgeon or a specialised nurse, will conduct a thorough examination. This process may involve both physical and visual assessments, as well as the use of medical imaging techniques such as mammograms or ultrasound scans. The key aspects covered in a breast implant check include:

1. Physical Examination: The healthcare provider will assess the size, shape, and symmetry of the breasts. They will check for any changes in the skin, such as redness, swelling, or unusual lumps.

2. Implant Integrity: The structural integrity of the implants is a critical focus. The healthcare professional will examine for any signs of rupture, leakage, or deflation. Silicone implants, in particular, may require imaging techniques like MRI to detect issues that may not be visible externally.

3. Capsular Contracture: This refers to the tightening of the scar tissue (capsule) that naturally forms around the implant. The healthcare provider will evaluate the degree of capsular contracture, as severe cases may require corrective surgery.

4. Positioning: The positioning of the implants is essential for achieving the desired aesthetic outcome. Any displacement or malposition will be assessed during the check.

5. Overall Breast Health: The examination may include a broader assessment of breast health, including screening for any signs of breast cancer. Mammograms and other imaging studies may be recommended as part of a comprehensive breast health check.

Regular breast implant checks are crucial for early detection of potential issues, ensuring patient safety, and maintaining optimal cosmetic results. Patients are typically advised to undergo these checks periodically, as recommended by their healthcare provider. Open communication between the patient and healthcare professional is essential to address any concerns, answer questions, and make informed decisions about the ongoing care of breast implants. Regular implant checks contribute to the long-term success and satisfaction of individuals who have chosen breast augmentation surgery.

Implant Health gives patients access to personalised breast health screenings, with only the very best surgeons, and radiologists to ensure the highest standards of excellence.

Book your breast implant scan here.


What are the symptoms of breast implant related cancer?

Understanding Breast Implant Related Cancer: Symptoms to Watch Out For

Breast Implant Associated-Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma or BIA-ALCL is a rare form of cancer that can develop in women who have breast implants. Although it is a rare condition, it is still essential to understand the symptoms and risks associated with it. As a woman, it is essential to be aware of the early warning signs of BIA-ALCL to ensure early detection and timely treatment. In this post, we’ll be discussing the symptoms of breast implant related cancer and what you should look out for.

Swelling in the Breast Area

One of the first signs of BIA-ALCL is swelling in the breast area. If you notice sudden or unexpected swelling, it’s essential to contact your doctor immediately. This swelling can be caused by fluid buildup and is usually accompanied by pain and discomfort. Swelling can also occur in the armpit or around the collarbone in cases where the cancer has spread.

Uneven Shape of the Breast

Another symptom of breast implant related cancer is an uneven shape in the breast area. Take note of any noticeable changes in the size or shape of your chest. When one breast starts to get bigger than the other without any other explanation, it could be a warning sign and should be checked out by a medical professional.

Lump or Mass in the Breast

Just like other forms of cancer, the development of lumps or masses is a telltale sign of BIA-ALCL. A lump or mass in the breast could indicate a wide range of conditions, including BIA-ALCL. If you notice any unusual lumps or masses in the breast area, it’s important to get it checked out right away.

Pain and discomfort

In most cases, BIA-ALCL develops slowly, and the symptoms may take time before they become noticeable. Pain and discomfort in the breast area is one of the main ways breast implant related cancer makes itself known. Pain may be intermittent and not necessarily severe, but it’s important to start taking note of these kinds of sensations and their frequencies.

Skin Rashes and Itching

Skin rash and itching around the breast area could also be a sign of breast implant related cancer. If you have noticed a rash that doesn’t go away, or keeps returning, then it may be time to talk to your doctor. Itching and redness are generally associated with an allergy or infection, but they could also indicate the development of BIA-ALCL.

Breast implant related cancer is rare, but it’s crucial to keep an eye out for early warning signs. If you experience any of the symptoms discussed in this post, it’s vital to havey. It’s important to note that breast implant related cancer is treatable, especially when caught at an early stage. If you are considering getting breast implants, it’s important to discuss this possibility with your doctor and routinely have follow-ups to evaluate any potential complications. Keep in mind that early detection and treatment can make all the difference in a positive outcome. Remember, being informed and aware of the symptoms is one of the many ways you can take control of your health.


What are the Symptoms of a Breast Implant Rupture?

Breast implants, although designed to be safe and long-lasting, can rupture. A breast implant rupture is a tear or hole that develops in the implant shell, which may result in a range of symptoms. Typically, it is essential to detect signs of a rupture as early as possible, as it can be a serious concern. Therefore, this blog will discuss the symptoms associated with a breast implant rupture and how to deal with them.

Changes in Breast Shape

One of the most noticeable and common symptoms of a breast implant rupture is a change in the shape and symmetry of the breast. There may be a visible distortion or sagging of the breast due to the implant losing its shape or migrating out of place. The affected breast will look different than the other breast. If you notice these symptoms, you should consult a doctor immediately to determine the cause of the changes.

Pain or discomfort

Pain is the most common symptom of a ruptured breast implant. The pain may be persistent or intermittent, dull, or sharp. The pain may occur in the breast or chest, and sometimes in the armpit or arm. It may become worse when you take a deep breath, or when you lift or exercise with your arms.


Swelling can occur in the breast area if the implant shell ruptures. When saline implants rupture, the most noticeable symptom is an immediate deflation. The surrounding tissue absorbs the fluid. In contrast, if a silicone gel implant ruptures, you may notice swelling in the breast area due to the leak.

Lumps or Bumps

When silicone gel implants rupture, the silicone may leak and create “lumps” or “bumps.” You may notice small or large masses around the implant; they may resemble small marbles or knots. Take note that these lumps may not be visible on regular mammograms.

Flu-like Symptoms

Severe cases of implant rupture may cause general symptoms like fever, chills, and the flu-like symptoms. These symptoms may be a sign of an infection, which can be dangerous if left untreated. If you experience sudden fever or flu-like symptoms with no apparent cause, contact a doctor immediately.

Breast implant rupture can cause a wide range of symptoms that can vary depending on the type of implant. Women should closely monitor their breasts for any changes in shape, size, or overall appearance. If you notice any of the symptoms listed above, consult a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in breast surgery. Recognizing and addressing the symptoms of ruptured breast implants promptly can improve your chances of successful treatment and a positive outcome. Always prioritize your health and wellbeing, knowing the signs and symptoms of implant rupture is key to being informed and to maintaining your breast health.

The Truth About the Health Risks of Breast Implants

Breast implants are a popular aesthetic procedure that has become increasingly common over the past few years. Women choose to have them for a variety of reasons such as to increase breast size, correct asymmetry, or reconstruct post-cancer. However, with the prevalence of breast implants has come concerns regarding their impact on overall health. So, can breast implants harm your health? In this blog post, we will explore the topic in-depth to help you make a more informed decision about your body.

First, let’s address the most significant health concern surrounding breast implants which is breast implant illness (BII). BII is a collection of symptoms that some women experience after having breast implants. These symptoms include fatigue, brain fog, joint pain, and more. While there is no definitive proof that breast implants cause BII, many women have reported relief after removing their implants. It’s important to note that not all women with implants experience these symptoms, and not all symptoms are necessarily caused by the implants.

Another common concern is that breast implants can increase your risk of autoimmune disease. Again, while there is no conclusive proof that breast implants directly cause autoimmune disease, several studies have found a correlation between the two. One study found that women with breast implants had a higher incidence of a type of arthritis called rheumatoid arthritis. Another study found that women with implants were more likely to develop Sjögren’s syndrome, a disease in which white blood cells attack moisture-producing glands.

When it comes to breast cancer, many women worry that implants could potentially hide breast lumps or make it more difficult to detect cancerous cells. However, studies show that breast implants do not affect mammography accuracy. In fact, mammography provides more detailed images and can be performed more quickly in women with breast implants.

It’s also worth considering the material used in breast implants. The two most common types of implants are silicone and saline. Silicone implants are made of a silicone outer shell filled with silicone gel, while saline implants are filled with sterile saltwater. Several studies have been conducted on the safety of silicone implants and have found no evidence that they are associated with serious health risks. However, ruptures can occur, which can cause complications including infection, scarring, and breast pain.

In conclusion, while there may be some potential health risks associated with breast implants, it’s essential to note that the majority of women with breast implants do not experience any negative side effects. It’s crucial to speak with an experienced and qualified surgeon and perform proper research before undergoing any surgical procedure. Ultimately, the decision to get breast implants is a personal one, and every woman should do what feels right for her body. If you do decide to get implants, it’s important to maintain regular breast implant health checks to ensure the implants are healthy and functioning correctly.


My Breast Implants Shape Have Changed – Why?

Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries among women in the world. It is a procedure that increases the size and shape of breasts using implants. However, in some cases, women who have undergone breast augmentation complain that the shape of their breasts has changed over time, and this leaves them wondering what went wrong. If you’re in the same boat, don’t panic; this article will help you understand why breast implant shape changes and what you can do about it.

Capsular Contracture

Capsular Contracture is one of the most common reasons why breast implants can change in shape over time. This occurs when the tissue around the implant hardens, causing the breast to look rigid and distorted. This condition is likely to happen within the first few years after surgery, and you may notice symptoms such as pain, inflammation, and discomfort. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, it is advisable to consult your surgeon immediately for treatment.

Implant Displacement

Implant displacement is another reason why breast implants can change in shape. This can happen when all or part of the implant moves from its original position, causing the breast to look uneven and unnatural. This condition can be caused by several factors, including excessive physical activity, weight gain, or hormonal changes. To avoid implant displacement, avoid activities that strain your chest muscles, and consult your surgeon if you notice any changes in breast shape.

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Pregnancy and breastfeeding can also cause breast implant shape changes. During pregnancy, hormonal changes can make your breasts fuller, causing the skin to stretch, which may affect the shape of your breast implants. Breastfeeding also causes hormonal changes that can make your breasts bigger or smaller, causing your implants to look different. To minimize the effects of pregnancy and breastfeeding on your breast implants’ shape, discuss your options with your surgeon.


Aging affects the body in many ways, including breast shape. As you age, your skin loses elasticity, causing your breasts to sag and affect the appearance of your implants. This condition is called “Ptosis,” and it can happen regardless of whether you have breast implants or not. If you notice that your implants’ shape has changed due to aging, talk to your surgeon about your options.

Breast Implant Material

The type of implant material can also affect the shape of your breast implants. For example, saline implants are more likely to show ripples and wrinkles than silicone implants. Similarly, textured implants are more likely to cause capsular contracture than smooth implants. If you notice any changes in breast shape due to implant material, consult your surgeon for advice.

Breast implants are a significant cosmetic procedure that can increase your confidence and improve your appearance. However, breast implant shape changes are common, and there are several reasons why they can occur. The most important thing is to communicate with your surgeon if you notice any changes in your breast implant’s shape. Together, you can discuss the best course of action to help restore your confidence and enhance your appearance.


Is a Breast Implant Rupture Dangerous?

Breast implants have become a popular cosmetic surgery choice for women. More than 300,000 women underwent breast augmentation procedures in 2019 alone, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Although generally safe, breast implants can cause complications, and one such complication is breast implant rupture. A breast implant rupture is a serious concern for women with implants, but is it really dangerous? In this blog post, we will take a look at what happens when a breast implant ruptures and examine the risks and dangers involved.

What is a breast implant rupture?

A breast implant rupture occurs when the outer shell of a breast implant tears or develops a hole, causing the filling – either saline or silicone – to leak out. Ruptures can occur for several reasons, including implant malfunction, trauma, or normal wear and tear. A rupture can also occur because of defects in the manufacturing process or due to the use of poor quality materials.

What are the symptoms of a breast implant rupture?

The symptoms of a breast implant rupture can vary from person to person and depend on the type of implant. If you have saline implants, the rupture will be immediately noticeable as your breast will deflate quickly. The saline solution is harmless and can be absorbed naturally by your body. You may also experience some pain in your breast or notice a change in the shape of your breast. If you have silicone implants, you might not be aware of the rupture for some time. Symptoms of a silicone implant rupture may include changes in the shape, size, or firmness of your breast, pain or tenderness in the area, or a change in sensation or numbness in the nipple and breast.

Are there any risks associated with a breast implant rupture?

Yes, there are risks associated with breast implant rupture. If the rupture is left untreated, it can result in serious complications. Saline implants pose no risk as the saline solution can be absorbed by your body with no adverse effects. However, if a silicone implant ruptures, the silicone filling can migrate to other areas of the body, causing problems like breast pain; lump formation; breast cancer; or an autoimmune or inflammatory response, which can result in chronic and severe pain in the affected area, as well as further health complications.

What should you do if you suspect a breast implant rupture?

If you suspect a breast implant rupture, you should visit your doctor immediately. Your doctor will conduct a physical examination and may recommend imaging tests, such as an MRI or ultrasound, to confirm the rupture. If you have a saline implant and your rupture is confirmed, you can have the breast implant removed and replaced. However, if you have a silicone implant, you will need to undergo surgery to remove all of the loose silicone and the implant shell.

Breast implant rupture is a serious concern for women with breast implants. Although saline implant ruptures poses no risk and can be corrected easily, silicone implant rupture can result in serious health complications. If you notice any changes in your breast, such as asymmetry, pain, or a change in texture, it is important to seek medical attention immediately. Routine monitoring (such as annual mammography) can help detect ruptures, and patients are encouraged to regularly see their surgeon for follow-up or for implant replacement if indicated. Remember, being aware and informed is the best way to ensure that you make the right decisions when it comes to breast implants.