What are the signs of a Ruptured breast implant
What are the signs of a ruptured breast implant? If you have recently undergone a breast augmentation, or are considering one, ruptures are something to be aware of.
Breast augmentation surgery remains one of the top-performed surgeries around the world and carries a very low complication risk. One of the complications associated with breast implants is a rupture.
What is a Breast Implant Rupture?
A breast implant rupture occurs when the outer shell of a breast implant breaks or tears, causing the contents of the implant to leak into the surrounding tissue. This can occur with both saline and silicone implants.
In the case of a saline implant rupture, the saltwater solution is harmlessly absorbed by the body, and the breast will appear deflated or significantly smaller.
In contrast, a silicone implant rupture may not be immediately noticeable, and the silicone gel may leak out of the implant and into the surrounding breast tissue. This can potentially cause changes in breast shape, firmness, or size, as well as pain, tenderness, or swelling.
Why do Breast Implant Ruptures happen?
A breast implant rupture can occur for a variety of reasons, such as trauma to the breast, aging of the implant, or a manufacturing defect. In some cases, there may be no obvious cause. It’s important to note that breast implant ruptures are not common and most implants last for many years without any problems.
If a breast implant rupture is suspected, imaging tests such as ultrasound, or MRI may be used to confirm the diagnosis. Treatment options may include breast implant removal or breast implant replacement, depending on the specific situation and the individual’s goals.
What are the Symptoms of a Rupture?
The symptoms of a breast implant rupture can vary depending on the type of implant and the amount and location of the leaked material. Here are some common symptoms associated with breast implant rupture:
- Pain or discomfort in the breast
- Changes in breast size, shape, or appearance
- Swelling, redness, or warmth in the breast
- Lumps or masses in the breast
- Hardening or thickening of the breast tissue
- Numbness or tingling in the breast or arm
- Skin rash or irritation
- Enlarged lymph nodes in the armpit
It’s important to note that not all breast implant ruptures cause symptoms and some ruptures may go undetected for years. That’s why we recommended that you schedule regular imaging tests to help identify any potential complications.
If a breast implant rupture is suspected, it’s important to seek medical attention promptly to determine the best course of treatment.
If you are concerned about breast implant ruptures or wish to book a screening with Implant Health, contact our experts.